*Registration is Now Closed*


The Thunderbirds have just the stage for you - the 6th Annual Springfield Thunderbirds Street Hockey Tournament. The event will face off on Saturday, August 17 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. - please note that for a 3rd straight year, this year's tournament will take place at Amelia Park Ice Arena's outdoor rink in Westfield!

Teams will consist of a minimum of four players, with games played at 3-on-3 plus one goalie. Each team will play at least two games on the day, and by the end of the tournament, one team will be crowned the Thunderbirds Street Hockey Tournament champions!

Registration is CLOSED for this season's event - teams participating and looking for more information on the tournament may contact Andrew Buchanan at (413) 417-2284 or send Andrew an e-mail

If you have signed up, please take note of this year's rules and regulations by clicking here.